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July 2024

QGIS-population density

QGIS – POPULATION DENSITY Are you wondering how to present the intensity of phenomena on a map? Unsure which cartographic presentation method to choose or how to execute it? Here, we will try to introduce you to one of the solutions using QGIS. We will… Read More »QGIS-population density

Vector basemaps

VECTOR BASEMAPS If you want your map to be unique and different from all the others but don’t know how to create it, you are in the right place. We will show you the entire process step by step, from downloading data to loading and… Read More »Vector basemaps

Border Wall Systems

BORDER WALL SYSTEMS Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 states that everyone has the right to “freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state” and to “leave any country, including their own, and return to their country.”… Read More »Border Wall Systems


BASEMAPS Creating your own map doesn’t have to be a long process and doesn’t have to be reserved only for cartographers. Anyone can create a map for their needs. Whether the goal is to create an interactive map, present analysis results, or create a database,… Read More »Basemaps

Terrain as a basemap

TERRAIN From a previous post we already know how to load ready-made basemaps. But what if they do not meet our expectations and we have some time? Here’s a tip: We can create our own basemap 😁 Creating our own basemap will make our website or… Read More »Terrain as a basemap

Interactive maps

INTERACTIVE MAPS Currently, a map is not just a sheet of paper but increasingly interactive maps. These allow us to quickly understand processes occurring over time, such as urban development, the course of conflicts, industrial growth and intensity, and much more. Below, we present interactive… Read More »Interactive maps


#WARSAW The aim of the #Warsaw series is to introducing you with various cartographic presentation (not just choropleth maps). We’ll see which methods you prefer and which provide more information. At the same time, we will examine Warsaw from the perspective of socio-economic geography, gradually… Read More »WARSAW
